The Tool US Immigration Depends on to Extract Your Data from Tech Giants: Uncovered Controversially.

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Tech News Summary:

  • ICE has issued more than 500 administrative subpoenas to tech giants like Google, Twitter, and Target, requesting users’ sensitive personal information.
  • These administrative subpoenas are not court-certified, which means companies are not legally obliged to comply until compelled to by a judge.
  • According to Hannah Lucal, data and technology fellow at Just Futures Law, ICE’s use of administrative subpoenas allows for invasive surveillance.

In a shocking revelation, it has come to light that US Immigration has been using a controversial tool to extract data from technology giants. The tool, known as the Automated Targeting System (ATS), has been in use for over a decade, but its use has been largely unknown to the public.

The ATS is a database that is used to screen individuals entering or leaving the US, and it extracts data from various sources, including social media platforms, airlines, and financial institutions. This data is then used to “score” individuals based on their perceived risk to national security.

The use of the ATS has come under fire from privacy advocates, who argue that the program is overly invasive and lacks transparency. They point out that the program collects data even on individuals who are not suspected of any wrongdoing, and that the data collected can be used for purposes other than national security.

According to recent reports, the ATS has been used by US Immigration officials to monitor the social media activities of immigrants, including Green Card holders and naturalized citizens. This has raised concerns about potential discrimination and violation of privacy rights.

The controversy surrounding the ATS highlights the need for greater accountability and transparency in government programs that involve data collection. As technology continues to advance, it is important that lawmakers and government officials establish clear guidelines to ensure that the use of technology does not infringe upon our fundamental rights.

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