The U.S. Refuses to Accept China’s Ban on Micron Chips, Says Raimondo.

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  • The US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo has declared that the US will not accept China’s effective ban on purchasing Micron Technology memory chips. She characterised the ban as “plain and simple economic coercion” and has resolved to work with allies to address economic coercion in general.
  • China’s ban is seen as an attempt to reduce its dependence on US technology given Micron ranks among the world’s chief memory-chip manufacturers whose products are utilised across a wide variety of electronic devices.
  • The US and its allies will closely monitor China’s behaviour in the tech industry as part of their resistance to its increasing technological dominance and use of economic coercion.

In a recent development, Governor Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island has declared that the United States will not accept China’s prohibition of Micron chips. This announcement was made during her speech on national security at the Aspen Security Forum.

Raimondo stated that Chinese authorities have attempted to restrict Micron chips, which are used in a wide range of electronic devices, including smartphones and computers. This is part of their ongoing efforts to advance their technological capabilities and become less reliant on foreign technology.

However, Raimondo clarified that the United States is unwilling to accept China’s restriction on the export of Micron chips. She stated that it is essential for the US to vigorously safeguard its technology and intellectual property, and that China’s attempts to limit access to these components pose a serious national security concern.

Raimondo’s statement is the latest indication of growing tensions between the US and China over technological supply chains. The Trump administration had previously imposed export controls on Huawei, another Chinese technology company, due to national security concerns.

The governor also emphasized the importance of collaboration with allies to address these issues and maintain a competitive edge in the global technological landscape. She highlighted the need for the US to negotiate trade agreements that prioritize American innovation and industry, while also ensuring that it does not fall behind other countries in technological advancements.

Overall, Raimondo’s comments demonstrate that the United States is taking a firm stance against China’s efforts to limit access to crucial technological components. The ability of US companies to access and use these components will be critical in maintaining the nation’s technological leadership and national security.

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