The Unexpected Intelligence of Neanderthals Exposed through their Clever “Sticky Trick”

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Summaries of Neanderthals’ Ingenious ‘Sticky Trick’ Reveals Surprising Intelligence

  1. A new study led by scientists from the University of Tübingen in Germany has revealed that Neanderthals used glue to make stone tools 40,000 years ago. This discovery suggests a level of cognitive ability and technical innovation not previously attributed to them.
  2. Stone tools from Le Moustier, an archaeological site in France, used by Neanderthals during the Middle Paleolithic period between 120,000 and 40,000 years ago, were found to be held together by a multi-component adhesive made up of a mixture of ocher and bitumen, indicating significant effort and planning.
  3. The discovery challenges previous assumptions about Neanderthals’ intelligence and technological capabilities, shedding light on their complex problem-solving skills and innovative thinking. This newfound understanding contributes significantly to our knowledge of human evolution and highlights similarities between different human species across different regions.

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