Transforming Patient Recruitment: Integrating Technology into Velocity’s App

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Tech News Summary:

  • nmible and Velocity Clinical Research have partnered to streamline the payment process for clinical trial participants and reduce administrative workload.
  • nmible’s technology offers participants flexibility in receiving stipends and is expected to save over 650 business days and optimize $20 million in payments annually.
  • The collaboration aims to provide equitable access to clinical trials and simplify payment processes, ultimately enhancing efficiency and research opportunities.

Revolutionizing Patient Recruitment: Embedding Tech into Velocity’s App

Velocity, a leading healthcare technology company, is shaking up the patient recruitment game with the integration of cutting-edge technology into their app. The move is set to streamline and revolutionize the patient recruitment process, making it easier and more efficient for both patients and healthcare providers.

The new tech integration will allow patients to easily access and interact with clinical trial opportunities directly through the Velocity app. This will eliminate the need for time-consuming and often frustrating manual processes, such as paper-based forms and phone calls. Instead, patients will be able to browse and apply for clinical trials with just a few taps on their smartphone.

Not only does this enhance the patient experience, but it also has the potential to significantly increase the speed and effectiveness of patient recruitment for healthcare providers and research organizations. By leveraging the power of technology, Velocity aims to bridge the gap between patients and clinical trials, ultimately leading to more rapid and successful recruitment efforts.

“Integrating technology into our app is a game-changer for patient recruitment,” said a spokesperson for Velocity. “We are committed to improving the healthcare experience for patients and providers, and this new tech integration is a big step in that direction. By making it easier for patients to connect with clinical trials, we can help accelerate the pace of medical research and innovation.”

The use of technology in patient recruitment is not only a smart move for efficiency but also for meeting the growing demand for patient-centric solutions in healthcare. With the Velocity app, patients can now take a more active role in their healthcare journey and contribute to medical research in a seamless and convenient way.

As the healthcare industry continues to embrace digital transformation, it’s clear that the integration of technology into patient recruitment will play a crucial role in improving access to clinical trials and advancing medical research. Velocity’s pioneering approach is just the beginning of a new era in patient recruitment, setting the stage for a more connected and inclusive healthcare ecosystem.

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