Understanding Instagram’s AI Message Writing and Thread Bookmark Features

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Tech News Summary:

  • Instagram is working on developing an AI message composing feature for DMs, allowing users to review, rephrase, and make stylistic edits to their written messages within the app.
  • Meta’s latest social media platform, Threads, is being tested for a post saving feature that will enable users to bookmark posts for later viewing, similar to the Bookmark feature on Instagram.
  • The AI message composing feature will allow users to type “@Meta AI” followed by their message in any chat, with the AI generating a response based on this input. Threads’ new “Save” function is expected to be available to both beta testers and regular users in the near future.

Instagram recently announced two new exciting features aimed at making messaging on the platform more convenient and personalized. The first feature is an AI message writing tool that helps users quickly compose replies by suggesting relevant and contextual responses based on the content of the received message. This feature aims to streamline conversations and make communication more efficient.

The second feature is the introduction of Threads bookmark, which allows users to save and organize their favorite messages and conversations for easy access. This feature is especially useful for users who want to revisit important discussions or keep track of specific conversations without having to scroll through their entire message history.

With these new features, Instagram is aiming to enhance the messaging experience for its users and make it easier for them to stay connected with friends, family, and followers. The AI message writing tool and Threads bookmark are expected to roll out to all users in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for these exciting updates on your Instagram app.

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