“Unveiling Dimensity Auto at Computex 2023: MediaTek and Nvidia Accelerate the Future”

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Tech News Summary:

  • MediaTek announced Dimensity Auto platform and partnership with Nvidia for in-car infotainment systems at Computex 2023 trade show.
  • Dimensity Auto Connect system will bring 5G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and satellite connectivity to cars. Dimensity Auto Cockpit system will utilize technology found in MediaTek’s televisions and phone displays as well as its Image Signal Processors,
  • Nvidia’s Drive OS will be used in the partnership with MediaTek to produce ADAS and other features. They plan to start chip production in 2026 with hardware ready for 2027 model year cars for a global solution.

TAIPEI, TAIWAN – In a collaboration that is set to transform the automotive industry, two leading tech companies, MediaTek and Nvidia have unveiled Dimensity Auto at the Computex 2023. This marks a significant milestone in the pursuit of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous vehicles.

At the heart of this revolutionary creation is the Dimensity Auto, a highly integrated system-on-chip (SoC) platform designed to power advanced in-vehicle infotainment (IVI), ADAS, and autonomous driving systems. The platform combines Nvidia’s Drive software and hardware with MediaTek’s 5G modems, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth features to power autonomous driving.

With the flexible design and scalable architecture, Dimensity Auto can easily integrate with advanced engineering technologies from multiple suppliers to deliver a customized solution for each OEM. The platform is also equipped with 7nm chipsets that offer high performance, energy efficiency, and seamless connectivity.

Revving up the future of the automotive world, the MediaTek and Nvidia collaboration offers a unique opportunity to accelerate and improve the adoption of autonomous driving on a global scale. As the automobile industry continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible using technology, this alliance is set to shape the future of driving and put the world one step closer to truly self-driving cars.

“Dimensity Auto unleashes the technology potential for the next generation of smart cars, and we are excited to work with Nvidia to deliver the innovative edge that consumers demand,” said Joe Chen, Executive Vice President, and Co-COO at MediaTek. “Our highly integrated and flexible architecture provides a new level of freedom for automotive system makers to innovate and create smarter cars, and we are thrilled to be at the forefront of this transformative journey with our partners.”

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang said the union marks an “important step forward” for autonomous driving. “By combining Nvidia’s expertise in AI with MediaTek’s technological capabilities, the new platform will result in a superior in-car experience that is more intelligent and secure than ever before.”

As the world’s automotive landscape continues to evolve in this digital age, Dimensity Auto is poised to become an integral part of the transition to more automated driving, ushering in a new era of connectivity, intelligence, and safety for drivers and road users alike.

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