Users’ email addresses, phone numbers, and chat histories were accidentally made public by a CHATGPT bug

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As OpenAI confirmed in a statement to Bloomberg, the app was back up and running last night – albeit without a history feature, at least for now.

As anyone who has used the viral app knows, ChatGPT stores a user’s past conversations in a useful sidebar. But it seems that after a user logged into the app yesterday to find a history filled with conversation titles that weren’t theirs, OpenAI decided its best decision was to shut down the app altogether. while she is working on solving the problem.

“ChatGPT is now back online,” an OpenAI spokesperson told Bloomberg late at night, “and we are also working to bring chat history back online.”

It is important to note that only conversation headers are available to other users, not the actual content of these queries. However, the incident is certainly a reminder that, as OpenAI warned in the ChatGPT FAQ, users should refrain from sharing “sensitive information” in chats.

That wasn’t OpenAI’s only problem last night.

Anyone who tried to sign up for ChatGPT Plus last night — the OpenAI subscription service that gives paid users access to GPT-4 — may have inadvertently found themselves knowing their personal email address and phone number. someone else’s person. Yes.

“I saw a total of four [email addresses] before I stopped doing it,” one such ChatGPT Plus hopeful told PCMag, explaining that every time he refreshes the paid level, it automatically dynamically fill in another user’s email. “It’s obviously someone else’s contact details.”

“On the ChatGPT Plus checkout page, it initially said it had texted a number I didn’t recognize. Then when I chose to email instead, it showed an email address I’ve never heard of” , another person experiencing the problem tweeted. “The form field is also pre-populated with unknown email addresses.” This issue seems to have been fixed as well, but overall these are pretty serious bugs – and again, a reminder that even the most cutting-edge of Silicon Valley can experience problems. Difficulty in providing secure software.

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