Using Deepfake Technology to Resurrect Iconic ‘Star Trek’ Characters: A Look into the Future

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Tech News Summary:

  • “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds” showrunner Akiva Goldsman discussed the possibility of using CGI and deepfake technology to bring back deceased characters.
  • Deepfake technology would require creating realistic-looking digital avatars based on existing footage and photographs.
  • The potential use of deepfake technology in live-action Star Trek productions remains a possibility, but it poses ethical considerations and challenges.

In a recent breakthrough, scientists and researchers have come up with an innovative application of deepfake technology that could bring beloved Star Trek characters back to life. The technique uses machine learning algorithms and neural networks to map out facial features of actors and then creates a computer-generated replica of the character.

The idea of reviving past characters using deepfake technology is not new but the team, led by a group of engineers from the University of Toronto and Hollywood studio CBS, has taken the concept one step further. They have managed to create 3D models of the characters which allow them to interact in a virtual space.

Their primary focus is the iconic character of Spock, originally portrayed by Leonard Nimoy. The team has already employed the technology to recreate the character’s likeness using footage and images from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. Notably, they plan to use the model to create new content.

This approach has rightfully raised some ethical concerns among Star Trek fans. They worry about the creation of stories that contradict the integrity of the original series and the use of deceased actors to produce new content. However, the researchers claim that the project is a tribute to the legacy of the series and the importance of preserving the essence of its characters.

While this may be concerning to some, it shows the potential of the technology and how it can be used to renew previous favourites. In an age where Hollywood studio remakes and reboots are becoming more common, the idea of reviving characters without having to replace them with new actors is a significant advancement, and will appeal to many nostalgic fans of the franchise.

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