Warning: Scammers Preying on Children and Adolescents!

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Tech News Summary:
1. Scams and Hacks Targeting Kids and Teens: What You Need to Know
– Online scams targeting teens have increased significantly from 2017 to 2022, with victims under the age of 20 losing a total of $210 million in 2022 alone.

2. Sextortion and Gaming Scams
– Sextortion scams have increased by 20% targeting teenagers, while gaming platforms like Roblox and Fortnite are also being targeted by cybercriminals.

3. Tips for Keeping Kids Safe Online
– Parents should have regular conversations with children about online dangers, use password managers and two-factor authentication, ensure social media profiles are private, and use reloadable gift cards for in-game currency.
Attention parents and guardians: Beware of a rising trend of scammers targeting kids and teens in online and offline spaces.

With the increasing use of social media and online platforms by young people, scammers are finding new ways to exploit and deceive them. From fake online contests and surveys to fraudulent gaming schemes, these scammers are preying on the vulnerability and lack of experience of children and teenagers.

Some scammers are even using threats and intimidation to manipulate kids into giving out personal information or money. In the worst cases, young people are being coerced into participating in illegal activities without realizing the consequences.

It’s crucial for parents and guardians to educate their children about the dangers of scams and to monitor their online activity closely. Teach them to never give out personal information, such as their address or phone number, and to be cautious of offers that seem too good to be true.

Additionally, it’s important to report any suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities and to seek help if your child has fallen victim to a scam. By working together, we can protect our kids and teens from falling victim to these deceitful scams.

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