What Parents Should Know about the Risks of Giving Melatonin to Children

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Tech News Summary:

  • The use of melatonin among children is increasing, with concerns about limited data on its safety and efficacy, especially with the lack of full regulation from the FDA.
  • Melatonin is naturally produced in the body to regulate sleep, but in the US, it is available over-the-counter as a dietary supplement, leading to inconsistencies in dosage and potential risks for children.
  • While there may be short-term benefits of melatonin use under healthcare provider supervision, it should never be a first-line treatment for sleep problems in children, and underlying sleep issues should be addressed first.

Parents need to be cautious about giving their children melatonin, as it may pose hidden dangers, according to a new study.

Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate sleep and wake cycles, and is often used as a supplements to aid sleep in both adults and children. However, a recent study published in the Journal of Pineal Research found that melatonin supplementation may have potential negative effects on the development of children.

The study suggests that melatonin may interfere with the development of the reproductive system and alter the timing of puberty in children. Additionally, it may also affect the development of the nervous system and have long-term repercussions on overall health and well-being.

Although melatonin is generally considered safe for short-term use in children, the study highlights the need for caution and informed decision-making when it comes to giving children melatonin supplements. Experts advise parents to consult with a healthcare professional before using melatonin as a sleep aid for their children, and to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits.

Dr. Sarah Johnson, a pediatrician, emphasized the importance of addressing underlying sleep issues in children before resorting to melatonin supplementation. “It’s crucial for parents to understand that melatonin is not a quick fix for sleep problems in children,” she said. “Instead of relying solely on supplements, it’s important to establish healthy sleep habits and routines to promote better sleep.”

The study serves as a reminder for parents to be aware of the potential risks associated with melatonin use in children, and to seek guidance from healthcare professionals to ensure the safety and well-being of their children. It is important to weigh the potential benefits and risks of melatonin supplementation and make informed decisions to promote the healthy development of children.

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