Earlier this year she announced at CES, following Samsung’s launch of the ultra-thin HW-S800B soundbar for her QLED TV series, Samsung Newsroom spoke to Ema Souza Blanes of her Samsung Research America’s Audio Lab. I heard the story. He’s the one behind the product research and validation process, which includes countless listening tests to deliver the best possible immersive viewing experience with the best sound.
Since its inception, Samsung Research Audio Lab[1] America has been committed to its mission of “bringing Samsung audio technology to the forefront of the industry.” From perfecting the pure audio realm to developing a leadership role in advancing TV sound technology, Audio Lab has amazed the entire industry with innovative solutions including Q-Symphony You OTS (Object Tracking Sound) technology.
The soundbar naturally followed TV design trends, aiming to blend in with home décor with its elegant and understated construction. Despite these new slim designs, sound quality and immersion are central to soundbar development. The design process for the HW-S800B was aimed at incorporating all of these recent trends into one product. Our goal was to create a soundbar that seamlessly integrates with thoughtful displays like The Frame.
Emma Souza Blaines is a French audio her engineer, after graduating from the Engineering School Art and Craft (ENSAM) and her Samsung Research America Audio Laboratory in Valencia, California, she attended Saclay University in Paris. His role in his audio lab is to conduct his listening tests for product validation and general research purposes. With the incorporation of more advanced audio technologies such as Dolby Atmos into home audio, the immersion in soundbar development has become a hot topic.
Most thin or small soundbars on the market come with weak built-in subwoofers. The result is a chromatic sound, especially when it comes to vocals. The challenge was to avoid this effect and keep the vocal centered in the soundstage. This required a custom soundbar driver and a design that allowed low frequencies to pass through as well. Subwoofer. Mainly subwoofers have connections for improved bass reproduction. The HW-S800B subwoofer’s smaller enclosure limits the port size and creates turbulence, distortion and bass. This limitation was resolved by developing a custom passive radiator instead of ports and woofers. How much air can push the woofer big away?