World Navigation Day showcases state-of-the-art methods for ‘greener’ expeditions.

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  • Shipping accounts for more than 80% of global trade, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a message today.

Meanwhile, the war in Ukraine and the Black Sea Grains Initiative have highlighted the vital role shipping plays in feeding the world.

Reduce ship emissions

In order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and create an equitable and prosperous future for people and the planet, shipping must play a crucial role in connecting mankind.

Governments and private businesses must collaborate to leverage cutting-edge technology like automation and digitization to promote renewable energy sources and alternative fuels while facilitating equitable transitions, notably in developing nations.

The maritime industry “has to expedite its road to decarbonization,” the UN Secretary-General emphasized. In the absence of coordinated international action, shipping-related emissions are anticipated to increase dramatically.

“Whether or not the shipping industry reaches net zero emissions by 2050 will depend on the boats that are delivered in this decade. By 2020, smarter, cleaner, zero-emission ships must be the standard option and widely accessible on the market.

Concern for seafarers

The World Marine Day events offer a stage for showcasing inclusive maritime innovation, research and development, and the display and application of new technologies. The International Maritime Organization’s Kitack Lim stated that the theme this year “opens up a bigger discourse about where shipping is going and how digitization and automation may benefit the sector” (IMO).

He emphasized that technical advancements for more sustainable, safer, and cleaner shipping must also benefit people. “In this regard, it is necessary to take into account the effects on sailors and other marine employees, including the requirement for training.” Support for developing countries, especially small island developing states (SIDS) and least developed countries, is another aspect of the theme (LDCs).

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