Yes Bank coordinates the technological initiatives for the expansion of the company

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  • The banking sector is at the forefront of utilizing digital technologies to enhance business processes due to the intricacy of their operations. One bank that has made a significant move toward using digital technology is Yes Bank. His CIO at Yes Bank, Mahesh Ramamoorthy, said he joined the Mumbai-based company in June and has been working quickly on a number of projects as the bank has accelerated its digital transformation.

Ramamoorthy said the bank’s move of its data center was the most crucial of all the projects, but they were all vital. Even so, he compared it to open heart surgery. This is due to the fact that businesses like Yes Bank carry out a variety of operations, such as payments, customer support, and branch offices, and they want to minimize interruption when moving their data centers to a new location.

This is crucial because it requires careful planning of numerous little and large-scale operations in order to transport data without causing service interruptions. We are nearing the end,” Ramamoorthy declares. Yes Bank is relocating to a Tier 4 colocation-based data center where every environment is isolated from the bank and secured by a special layer.

“The decision to construct next-generation data centers also equips institutions for expansion in the future. Yes Bank is well-positioned for the scale, security, and growth we anticipate over the coming years. Ramamoorthy stated that the public adoption of his native cloud technology by banking companies is on his Yes Bank roadmap.

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