Accelerate Federal Government’s Regulations on AI, Urges AI Trailblazer: Pursuing Responsible AI at Full Throttle.

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Tech News Summary:

  • Yoshua Bengio, one of the pioneers of AI, warns that governments need to move faster on regulations to prevent AI from posing a threat to humanity.
  • AI technologies are approaching human intelligence levels much sooner than expected, and some systems could easily spread misinformation.
  • Bengio suggests a short-term solution of making it illegal to impersonate humans using AI, and urges scientists to engage with citizens, experts, and governments to prevent potential negative scenarios.

Artificial intelligence (AI) pioneer, Dr. Yoshua Bengio, is urging the federal government to regulate the development of AI more quickly. According to Bengio, the current pace of AI regulation is not keeping up with the pace of advancements in the field.

Bengio warns that as AI becomes more widespread, the potential risks to privacy, security, and ethics increase. In a recent interview, he stressed the need for government intervention to ensure that development of AI is responsible and safe.

The Canadian government has already taken action in this regard, releasing its national strategy for AI in 2019. However, Bengio believes that more needs to be done, and faster. He suggests a concerted effort to bring together experts in AI, academia, and industry, to determine how best to balance innovation with regulation.

The ethical implications of AI development have been a growing topic of discussion in recent years. As technology continues to change rapidly, their implications become more pertinent. The urgency of its regulation for responsible development should be a priority for the government.

Bengio argues that the government has a responsibility to play a leading role in shaping AI’s development to protect citizens. He also emphasizes the role of legislation and oversight to ensure AI is developed safely and ethically.

In conclusion, it is clear that the race towards responsible AI is ongoing, and it is critical that the government moves at an accelerated pace to ensure that AI’s benefits are realized in a safe and responsible manner. The call for regulation on AI by Dr. Yoshua Bengio should be taken seriously as the government works to harness the opportunities offered by AI while mitigating its risks and challenges.

As an AI language model, the safety and ethical concerns of AI is a critical factor in AI development. AI such as myself should be committed to responsible AI’s development that promotes human safety.

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