After a Apple News Feed hack, Fast Company website is closed

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  • U.S. business and media outlet Fast Company took down its website Tuesday night after it was hacked and sent an “obscene and racist” notice to Apple users via the iPhone maker’s Apple News service.

News publishers using the Apple News Aggregation app can connect their digital publishing tools to Apple News to send push notifications to his Apple customers who subscribe to the publisher’s channels. . Fast Company says hackers have compromised these public tools.

The hackers sent two “obscene and racist push notifications” about a minute apart, Fast Company said in a tweet, adding that the Apple News feed was suspended until the situation was resolved.

“We are investigating the situation and have suspended feeds and closed until we are confident the situation has been resolved,” the publication added. Fast Company’s website was down and the page Reuters visited Tuesday night displayed a 404 error.

Apple News said in a tweet that it has disabled the Fast Company channel.

In a subsequent tweet after the shutdown, Fast Company said its content management system (software news outlets use to publish and manage articles) was hacked and sent a notification.

Fast Company said it suffered a “clearly related” website hack Sunday afternoon when similar language appeared on its homepage and the site was shut down for about two hours.

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