AMD reevaluates how it labels Ryzen CPUs for gaming laptops for 2023 and beyond

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The blog recognises earlier errors that frequently left customers wondering what the newest products were. This is undoubtedly a throwback to the time when the Ryzen lineups for laptops and desktops had separate series names despite using the identical nodes, architectures, and basic specifications. When the Radeon brand was taken into consideration, the situation got worse. The good news is that AMD Ryzen goods (and presumably Radeon products as well) will now be marked with a numerical system to explain what you’re buying. Even a slide to decipher “the matrix” was provided by Hallock. ”

There will soon be a new method for purchasing AMD Ryzen gaming laptops. The senior director of technical marketing for AMD’s Ryzen brand, Robert Hallock, wrote about the future of naming conventions in a blog post today. In summary, it will correct some historical discrepancies while potentially posing new issues for customers.


  • The second digit will apply to the Market Segment, which is what we know as Ryzen 5 or Ryzen 7 class products, much like how Intel uses i3, i5, i7, and i9 branding. The higher the number, the better the product. The third digit is by far the easiest to remember. It applies to the Zen architecture iteration. You’ll see plenty of the number “4” soon enough.

  • With this handy chart, it’s pretty easy to see what AMD’s going for. The first digit on a product indicates the Portfolio Model Year, which will be a “7” for 2023 products. That’s pretty straightforward, since the Ryzen 7000 Series will release for laptop next year. Each successive year will increase the numerical value.

The fourth digit applies to the Feature Isolation, which is somewhat like the Market Segment designation, but also not. This is where things get messy. There will be upcoming Phoenix and Dragon Range lineups built for different types of laptops. Phoenix, destined for compact laptops, will receive the 7X40 Series branding. Dragon Range will be referred to as the 7X45 Series to note it’s no-holds-barred approach to ultimate gaming laptop designs.

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