ATU Library Offers Extended Hours for Finals: The Perfect Late-Night Study Spot

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Tech News Summary:

  • Arkansas Tech University’s Ross Pendergraft Library and Technology Center is extending its operating hours for final exams, providing students with a quiet and focused environment to study and complete coursework.
  • The library will be open for 62 consecutive hours, starting at 7am on Wednesday, December 6 and closing at 9pm on Friday, December 8. Extended hours will also be available during the weekend and leading up to the final exam week.
  • This initiative aims to support student success during the critical period of the semester and provides access to essential resources, including books, journals, online databases, and knowledgeable staff members for assistance.

The ATU Library is extending its hours to provide students with a late-night study spot during finals week. Starting Monday, the library will be open until midnight to accommodate the increased demand for study space.

The decision to extend the hours comes after feedback from students who expressed a need for a quiet and comfortable place to prepare for their exams. The library staff understands the stress and pressure that comes with finals week and wants to provide students with a supportive environment to help them succeed.

In addition to the extended hours, the library will also be offering snacks and refreshments to keep students fueled during their late-night study sessions. The goal is to create a conducive atmosphere for productivity and concentration.

Students are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity and make use of the resources available at the library. Whether it’s access to books, computers, or study rooms, the ATU Library is committed to supporting students in their academic endeavors.

The extended hours will be in effect until the last day of finals, providing students with a reliable and convenient late-night study spot. This initiative demonstrates the library’s dedication to the success and well-being of the student body.

So, grab your books and head to the ATU Library for a productive and stress-free finals week. Good luck to all students as they prepare for their exams!

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