Winter Energy Conservation Tips Shared by Virginia Tech for Campus Community

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  • Join Virginia Tech in conserving energy over the winter break to help achieve a carbon-neutral campus by 2030
  • Reduce winter energy consumption by shuting off lights, unplugging devices, cleaning out and unplugging refrigerators in residence halls, and closing and locking windows to reduce heat loss
  • Report any unsafe conditions on campus to the Division of Campus Planning, Infrastructure, and Facilities at (540) 231-4300 or online

Virginia Tech is sharing winter energy conservation tips with the campus community to promote sustainable living and reduce energy costs during the colder months.

As temperatures drop, Virginia Tech is reminding students, faculty, and staff to be mindful of their energy usage and adopt eco-friendly practices. The university is urging the campus community to take simple steps to conserve energy, such as adjusting thermostats to appropriate temperatures, using energy-efficient lighting, and utilizing natural sunlight to reduce the need for artificial lighting.

In addition, Virginia Tech is encouraging the campus community to be mindful of their water usage, especially during winter months when water heaters work harder to maintain warm water temperatures. Simple actions such as taking shorter showers and fixing leaky faucets can help conserve water and reduce energy consumption.

Virginia Tech is also promoting the use of insulated curtains and weather-stripping to keep heat inside buildings, thus reducing the need for excessive heating. The university is also recommending the use of space heaters sparingly and only in designated areas to avoid unnecessary energy usage.

By spreading awareness and providing practical tips, Virginia Tech aims to empower the campus community to make environmentally conscious decisions and contribute to a more sustainable campus environment.

“We are committed to promoting energy conservation and sustainability across our campus,” said Virginia Tech’s Director of Sustainability. “By adopting these simple practices, we can all make a positive impact on our environment and reduce our energy costs during the winter months.”

Virginia Tech’s efforts to promote energy conservation align with its broader sustainability initiatives, which aim to reduce the university’s environmental footprint and promote a culture of sustainability within the campus community. By educating and encouraging its students, faculty, and staff to adopt energy-efficient practices, Virginia Tech is taking steps towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly campus.

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