Bitcoin Scammers Hijacked The YouTube Channel of Linus Tech Tips

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Tech News Summary:

  • Linus Media Group’s YouTube accounts have been subject to ongoing hacking attempts.
  • Hackers took control of Linus Tech Channel Hints and Tech Linus Media Group’s Quickie channel to advertise a fake cryptocurrency giveaway using Elon Musk’s name and the Tesla logo (without permission).
  • The real Elon Musk and Tesla were not involved in the fraud, and the channel has since been regained by its rightful owners.

In a stunning turn of events, it has been reported that the popular YouTube channel Linus Tech Tips has been hijacked by Bitcoin scammers. Linus Tech Tips is a well-known technology-focused YouTube channel, boasting more than 11 million subscribers.

The hijackers seem to have gained control of the channel’s YouTube account and changed the channel’s name to “BitcoinHackers”. They also removed all of the channel’s existing content and replaced it with a series of videos promoting a fraudulent Bitcoin scheme.

According to reports, the Bitcoin scam involves asking viewers to send Bitcoin to an address in order to receive double the amount back. This is a classic Bitcoin fraud tactic that has been used for years to deceive unsuspecting victims.

The Linus Tech Tips team has taken swift action to try to regain control of the channel. They have alerted YouTube and are working closely with the platform to resolve the issue. They have also issued a warning to their followers, urging them not to engage with the fraudulent Bitcoin scheme.

It is unclear at this time how the Bitcoin scammers were able to gain access to the Linus Tech Tips YouTube account. However, it serves as a stark reminder of the importance of strong security measures when it comes to online accounts.

This incident is also a concerning development in the ongoing fight against Bitcoin scams, which have been on the rise in recent years. It highlights the need for increased awareness and education around these scams, as well as stronger enforcement measures to hold scammers accountable.

The Linus Tech Tips team has promised to keep their followers updated on the situation as it unfolds, and we will continue to monitor this story for further developments.

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