Climate Change and Power Chips Drive Submersible Server Trend

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  • The adoption of submersible servers is being driven by the need for sustainable data center options and the increasing power of computer chips. Liquid cooling techniques are gaining popularity due to the growing energy needs of microchips.
  • Submerging server racks in specialized fluids can passively remove heat from hardware and pump it to a heat exchanger before being returned to the computer. The biodegradable and non-toxic fluids used are designed to last for 15 years or more and are much more efficient in removing heat compared to air.
  • Power usage effectiveness (PUE) is a crucial metric used to measure the energy efficiency of data centers. The adoption of submersible servers is a step towards a more sustainable and efficient future for data centers, as they offer a more effective cooling technique for increasingly powerful computer chips consuming large amounts of power and producing significant amounts of heat.

As the world experiences the impacts of climate change, data centers are looking for innovative ways to reduce their carbon footprint and lower energy costs. A new trend in server technology has emerged that meets both of these needs: the submersible server.

These high-tech servers are literally immersed in liquid to reduce the amount of energy needed for cooling. This method is much more efficient than traditional air cooling methods, which require large amounts of energy to keep data centers cool.

Additionally, submersible servers are being developed with power chips that use less energy and produce less heat than traditional chips. These chips are designed to be more compact and require less power to operate, making them ideal for use in submersible servers.

With the rise in demand for data storage and processing, the need for sustainable and cost-effective server technology has never been greater. As climate change continues to have a real impact on businesses and communities around the world, submersible servers offer a promising solution to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions, while also improving data center performance and efficiency.

As a result, many tech companies are investing in this emerging trend, with plans to implement submersible servers in their data centers in the near future. This is a positive step towards a more sustainable and environmentally-conscious approach to technology, one that prioritizes renewable energy and efficient design.

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