“Connected Car Technology Gets a Boost as Nvidia and MediaTek Collaborate”

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Tech News Summary:

  • Nvidia and MediaTek have teamed up to develop advanced vehicle infotainment systems for automated driving systems based on Nvidia technology.
  • This partnership enables Nvidia to broaden its reach into new segments of the $12 billion market for infotainment systems, as in-car displays and entertainment systems become more complex.
  • Automakers are increasingly adding features like games, driver monitoring systems, and displays related to automated driving, and partnerships like this will likely become more common in the future as companies strive to provide consumers with innovative solutions for their vehicles.

Today, tech giants Nvidia and MediaTek announced that they are joining forces to revolutionize connected car technology. The partnership between the two will facilitate the creation of intelligent, high-performance computing solutions that cater to the growing demands of the automotive industry.

Nvidia, being a market leader in the production of chips for autonomous vehicles, will provide its cutting-edge drive platform and expertise in accelerated computing to the partnership. MediaTek, on the other hand, is recognized for its prowess in developing advanced technology solutions for the automotive industry.

The new AI-powered system that the two will produce will bring about the integration of high-performance computing and advanced communication technology into cars. The processors will allow the cars to “see” and “understand” the environment around them, making it possible for them to make real-time decisions that ensure safety, comfort, and efficiency during the driving experience.

According to Jensen Huang, CEO of Nvidia, the partnership with Mediatek will create a new era in the automotive industry. Huang further expressed the excitement he holds towards “working with MediaTek to develop a world-class driver platform that’s both high-performance and more energy-efficient.”

The two entities are committed to exploring how these systems can be used in the development of self-driving vehicles, machine learning, and the Internet of Things, among others. With the partnership, the two entities are optimistic about what they’ll be able to achieve in the future of connected car technology.

Overall, the partnership of Nvidia and MediaTek is a significant breakthrough in the technology world, particularly in the advanced automotive industry. Expectations are high as we eagerly anticipate the increased benefits that these two big players will bring to the automotive industry.

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