CSA New Tech seniors finish “Project High School”.

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  • CSA New Tech High School held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2023 on May 26th, with a project-based learning model that allows students to take on new endeavors and experiments every school year despite various transitions and obstacles they faced over four years.
  • Senior Ethan Burton encouraged his peers to look forward to a new beginning and be confident in the skills they’ve honed during their high school career.
  • Principal Mike Reed commended the students on their achievements and perseverance through an especially challenging senior year, while Senior Abigail Shute noted how they defied expectations and succeeded amidst COVID-19 pandemic shakeups.

CSA New Tech seniors Joel, Sarah, and Samantha have completed their innovative project titled “Project High School”. The project aimed to create a more efficient and effective high school learning experience for students.

The project features a state-of-the-art digital platform that connects students, teachers, and parents. This platform allows for more streamlined communication, better access to class materials, and a more personalized learning experience for each student.

The trio spent countless hours researching and developing this innovative project, which is now ready for implementation in high schools across the country. By improving communication and access to resources, these seniors believe that students can have a more successful and engaging high school experience.

The project was presented to CSA New Tech faculty, staff, and students, who were impressed with the results. The seniors received high praise for their hard work and dedication to improving the high school learning experience.

“Project High School” is sure to make a significant impact on the high school education landscape. With the platform’s ability to personalize learning, students are bound to become more invested in their education. This project is proof that great things can be achieved with hard work and dedication. Congratulations to Joel, Sarah, and Samantha!

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