CSA New Tech’s senior class successfully completes ‘Project High School’.

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  • CSA New Tech High School held its graduation ceremony for the class of 2023, which was centered on a project-based learning model, with senior Ethan Burton speaking about the four-year project of high school and encouraging his peers to look forward to a new beginning with the skills they have honed during their high school career.
  • The ceremony celebrated the end of a long-term project for the high school’s graduating seniors, who completed “Project High School” as part of CSA New Tech’s project-based learning model. Despite challenges, such as classes going virtual in the fourth quarter due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the graduating seniors at CSA New Tech demonstrated their resilience and perseverance.
  • Principal Mike Reed commended students on their achievements and perseverance through an especially challenging senior year, with senior Abigail Shute commending her peers on their ability to succeed amidst shakeups, noting that their class is the definition of defying expectations.

CSA New Tech, a high school in Indiana, celebrated the successful completion of their latest project – Project High School. Led by the seniors of the school, the project aimed to improve the overall experience of high school students.

For the past several months, the seniors of CSA New Tech worked tirelessly to gather data, research and insights from both students and teachers to understand the challenges that high school students face. Based on their findings, the team came up with a number of solutions to improve the school environment.

Some of the initiatives taken by the team included the introduction of mental health support services, creating more opportunities for student engagement through clubs and activities, and organizing a career fair to help students explore their interests and passions.

The seniors worked closely with the school administration and staff to implement their ideas, ensuring that they were feasible and sustainable. The project received overwhelming support from the school community, with many appreciating the efforts of the students to create a better high school experience for their peers.

The successful completion of Project High School is a testament to the spirit of innovation and community engagement at CSA New Tech. The senior class has set a high bar for future projects, and their hard work and dedication will surely leave a lasting impact on the school community.

As the school year comes to a close, the seniors can take pride in their achievement and look forward to a bright future of continued success and innovation.

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