Dr. Chris Miller, Morehead State Professor, Collaborates on Book about Educational Technology Management at MSU

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Tech News Summary:

  • Dr. Chris Miller, a distinguished alumnus of Morehead State University, has co-authored a book on educational technology management titled “AECT at 100: A Legacy of Leadership.”
  • The book was honored with the James W. Brown Publishing Award at the 2023 AECT International Convention and Dr. Miller received the J. Michael Spector Appreciation Award for his long-term service and leadership within AECT.
  • Dr. Miller has contributed significantly to AECT’s leadership roles and editorial capacities, and the book is now available through Brill Publishing.

Dr. Chris Miller, a professor at Morehead State University, has co-authored a new book on educational technology management. The book, titled “Educational Technology Management: Theory and Practice for Improved Learning and Teaching,” aims to provide educators with practical approaches to integrating technology into the classroom.

Dr. Miller, who serves as the Director of the Office of Digital Education at Morehead State, collaborated with Dr. Brian Beatty of San Francisco State University and Dr. Joel Gardner of Ball State University to bring the book to life. The trio drew on their extensive experience in educational technology and management to offer insights and strategies for leveraging technology to enhance learning and teaching outcomes.

The book covers a wide range of topics, including instructional design, learning management systems, multimedia development, and assessment tools. It also addresses the challenges and opportunities that come with integrating technology into educational settings, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of how to effectively manage and utilize educational technology.

Dr. Miller’s expertise in digital education and technology management has made him a valuable asset to Morehead State University, and his contributions to the new book are sure to benefit educators and students alike. As the demand for technology-integrated learning continues to grow, “Educational Technology Management” offers a timely and valuable resource for educators seeking to enhance their practice.

The book is set to be released in the coming months and is expected to make a significant impact in the field of educational technology. Dr. Miller and his co-authors are excited to share their knowledge and insights with the educational community, and their work is sure to be a valuable contribution to the field.

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