Revolutionizing Payroll Management with AI-Powered Automated Payroll: Everee’s Latest Innovation

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Tech News Summary:

  • Everee has launched Auto Payroll, an AI-powered solution that automates payroll for salaried and hourly employees, aiming to enable companies to implement faster payments for workers.
  • Auto Payroll’s AI-powered technology learns companies’ payroll trends and histories, detects irregularities, and simplifies the payroll processing sequence from start to finish, reducing barriers associated with adopting daily or instant payments.
  • Everee, a disruptive technology company founded in 2018, raised $10 million in Series A financing and allows businesses to pay their employees instantly through its full-service platform.

Everee, the innovative payroll and HR solution provider, has just unveiled its new automated payroll system powered by AI, revolutionizing the future of payroll management for businesses of all sizes.

The new system leverages cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology to streamline and automate the entire payroll process, from time tracking and tax calculations to direct deposits and reporting. By harnessing the power of AI, Everee’s automated payroll system is able to process payroll faster, more accurately, and with significantly less manual intervention than traditional payroll systems.

This groundbreaking development is poised to transform the way businesses manage their payroll, freeing up valuable time and resources that can be redirected towards more strategic and impactful initiatives. With the ability to handle complex payroll tasks with unparalleled efficiency and precision, Everee’s automated payroll system promises to enhance productivity, accuracy, and compliance for businesses across all industries.

“We’re thrilled to introduce our new automated payroll system powered by AI, which represents a major shift in the way payroll is traditionally managed,” said Ron Ross, CEO of Everee. “By leveraging the latest advancements in artificial intelligence, we are able to offer businesses a truly game-changing solution that simplifies and streamlines the entire payroll process.”

In addition to its advanced automation capabilities, Everee’s new payroll system also offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for businesses to manage their payroll with minimal training and support. The system is designed to be intuitive, flexible, and highly customizable, allowing businesses to tailor the platform to their specific payroll needs and preferences.

With its innovative approach to payroll management, Everee is poised to set a new standard for the industry, offering businesses a transformative solution that combines the efficiency of AI with the reliability and security of a trusted payroll provider. As businesses continue to embrace digital transformation and seek out ways to optimize their operations, Everee’s automated payroll system is well-positioned to meet the evolving needs of the modern workforce.

For businesses looking to take their payroll management to the next level, Everee’s automated payroll system offers a powerful, forward-thinking solution that delivers unparalleled efficiency, accuracy, and peace of mind.

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