The Gotham Knights trailer begins with Detective Renee Montoya pouring one of his for Jim Gordon, who died before the events of the game. In a world where billionaire playboy and philanthropist Bruce Wayne died in an explosion, it’s up to the rest of the Bat-Family to restore order to the city of Gotham, known for its high corruption and crime rates. We see Montoya following in her boss’s footsteps, approaching the clock tower and joining forces with her four heroes.
Gotham Knights’ release date has been moved up four days to October 21st. WB GamesMontréal confirmed the news by releasing a new trailer at the Gamescom Opening Night Live hosted by Geoff Keighley, showing him the infamous Harley Quinn and his Clayface Villain Gallery. This open-world role-playing game set in Batman’s universe was originally set to release on October 25th. Gotham Knights will release on PS5, Xbox Series S/X, and PC.
His base of operations appears to be in the sewers, allowing him to freely roam the city and attack unsuspecting civilians. Mr. Freeze also got new footage in the Gotham Knights Gamescom trailer, giving us a glimpse of him transforming into his six-legged mechanical robot, similar to the AIM machines from Marvel’s Avengers. The serial killer has a little tease about Professor Pyg. But the main antagonist is still the enigmatic Court of Owls, lurking in the shadows and watching over the state of Gotham from a secret headquarters.
Batgirl, Robin, Nightwing, and Red Hood face a situation as Gotham splits into criminal factions. A new Gotham Knights trailer gave us a glimpse of Harley Quinn seemingly trapped in a cell before his predictable escape, in which he plays as one of four default his characters. You can, but Batgirl seems designed to be Quinn’s nemesis. She wreaks havoc on the graffiti-covered armored rogue as we see special dialogue and fight sequences. Slimy villain Clayface aka Basil Karlo also appears, sending slimy minions all over Gotham City to wreak havoc.
Known for dispatching ninja-like foot soldiers called Talons, these prominent criminals have complete control over the aforementioned factions. Playable solo or in two-player co-op, Gotham Knights introduces RPG-like leveling and a slow-moving combat system that relies heavily on XP progression. Free-flow combat reminiscent of the infamous Batman: Arkham games has been abandoned in favor of new powers tailored to each character’s story.