Iron Maiden Board Game Collaboration is announced by CMON

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  • Numerous CMON games include the recognizable Iron Maiden mascot. This week, CMON unveiled his Iron Maiden Miniatures Pack, which includes 15 variations of Eddie, the band Iron Maiden’s zombie-like mascot. Eddie’s CMON games, such as Zombicide, Cthulhu: Death May Die, Massive Darkness 2, and Ankh: Gods of Egypt, are all compatible with different versions of Eddie. Three of his Iron Maiden packs will be available for purchase, each comprising a variety of miniatures and game-specific accessories.

Fans can also purchase a bundle containing all three boxes and an exclusive original Eddie promo his pack for use as a survivor in Zombicide. Perhaps the most famous mascot in heavy metal music, Eddie is a quirky character who has crossed over countless genres on various Iron Maiden album covers. Eddie was also incorporated into his stage costume for the Iron Maiden Tour, often squirting blood and fireworks from its openings. has also appeared in video games.

Iron Maiden Crossover continues the series of crossovers he miniatures his pack featuring various franchises. Over the past few months, CMON has unveiled his packs of miniatures featuring characters from Supernatural, The Boys, Thundercats, Ghostbusters, and various Batmans from Dark His Knights his metal event series. All of these miniatures were created for Zombicide, arguably CMON’s biggest and most popular game title.

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