Jordan Peele speculates that he wants to create a video game

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  • Jordan Peele, the filmmaker of Get Out and Nope, wants to use his narrative talents in video games in addition to movies. Since they are still in their infancy and continue to advance significantly each year, video games are becoming a more and more fascinating medium. The storytelling has progressed from simple elements like a few random pixels moving across a 2D environment on screen to fully realized performances with deep themes, intricate scripting, and amazing characters with a lot of depth.

With celebrities like Kit Harrington, Keanu Reeves, Willem Dafoe, Elle Fanning, and many others donating their talents to games during the past ten years, famous Hollywood actors are beginning to play prominent roles in significant games. It appears that some Hollywood filmmakers also want to target the video game business.

Jordan Peele, the writer and director of Nope, said to that he wants to create a video game while marketing the release of the film’s home video. In a recent podcast, the director and Hideo Kojima discussed storytelling, Metal Gear Solid, and other topics. Peele was reportedly asked if he would create a game to replace Kojima. He told ComingSoon that he wants to create games because he loves playing them.

That is funny; [Hideo Kojima] asked the same question, without a doubt, said Peele. “I enjoy playing games. They seem to have a lot to do with narrative, in my opinion, since I firmly believe that empathy is at the heart of this genre. It is about understanding what it is like to be someone else and placing yourself in their situation. The solution is indeed true.”

Peele, of course, keeps himself occupied and exhibits a propensity for grandiose ideas. But it is incredibly fascinating to think about him working on a story with Kojima or creating his own horror game. Maybe the chance may present itself eventually, but it will probably be a while. will require a lot of time.

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