“Local Students’ Graduation Celebration at Southern Arkansas University Tech: Breaking News!”

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Tech News Summary:

  • Southern Arkansas University Tech celebrated its annual commencement ceremonies on May 6, 2023, awarding 384 credentials to students from various states.
  • SAU Tech graduates included Jacob Cleveland of Magnolia, who earned a Certificate of Competency in Fire and Emergency Response; Jason Register of Magnolia, who earned a Technical Certificate in Welding; and Briana Ellison of Magnolia, who earned an associate’s degree in professional studies.
  • SAU Tech offers various fields like healthcare sciences, business administration, welding technology, multimedia video and film production among others.

Southern Arkansas University Tech recently celebrated the graduation of local students in a lively ceremony. The event was held at the Reynolds Center in El Dorado, Arkansas, and witnessed a large turnout of proud graduating students, their families, and friends.

The graduation ceremony was kicked off with a rousing speech by the Chancellor, Dr. Jason Morrison, who congratulated the students for their hard work and dedication. Dr. Morrison also took the time to highlight the value and importance of education, encouraging the students to continue their pursuit of knowledge and education.

The commencement address was delivered by guest speaker, Mrs. Tracy Kessler, who is a renowned motivational speaker and an alumna of Southern Arkansas University Tech. Mrs. Kessler shared her personal journey and experiences as a student, encouraging the graduates to maintain a positive attitude, stay focused and never stop striving for excellence.

After the speeches, the students were awarded their diplomas amidst cheers and applause from the audience. The graduation ceremony was filled with emotions of joy, pride, and excitement as the students officially closed a chapter in their lives.

Southern Arkansas University Tech has earned a reputation for providing quality education and training to its students. The institution offers a diverse range of courses and programs designed to prepare students for successful careers. The graduation of the latest batch of local students is a testament to the university’s commitment to improving lives through education.

The graduation ceremony was a memorable day for all in attendance and a proud moment for the students and their families. Southern Arkansas University Tech continues to be a beacon of hope and an inspiration to the local community, providing graduates with the tools they need to succeed in their chosen field and make a real impact in the world. Congratulations to the latest set of graduation students!

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