The Pulse Newsletter from Technology Networks: Latest Developments in Psychedelic Field

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  • Biomind Labs has started a Phase II clinical trial for its candidate drug BMND08, which targets anxiety and depression in Alzheimer’s disease. The sublingual formulation is based on 5-MeO-DMT and will recruit 40 people aged 50-75 in Argentina to explore the effect of psychiatric symptoms on BMND08 in the context of mild cognitive impairment.
  • Filament Health has completed its first-ever Nagoya Protocol-compliant import of Tabernanthe iboga root from Gabon to its R&D facility in Vancouver. The company will analyse the plant’s psychoactive compound ibogaine, traditionally used in ceremonial practices and rituals, to determine its potential benefits for treating addiction and other mental health disorders.
  • “The Pulse: Psychedelic News” from Technology Networks and Analytical Cannabis is a monthly industry roundup highlighting significant news and developments in the psychedelic industry, including clinical trials, pre-clinical work, and important announcements.

Technology Networks, a leading provider of content and information in the science and technology industry, has recently released the fourth issue of its publication, The Pulse. This latest edition, titled Psychedelic News, delves into the emerging field of psychedelic research and therapy.

The use of psychedelic drugs, such as LSD and psilocybin, for therapeutic purposes has gained increased attention in recent years. Studies have shown promising results in treating a range of mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and addiction.

The Pulse: Psychedelic News takes an in-depth look at the history and current state of psychedelic research and therapy. It features articles written by experts in the field, including interviews with renowned researchers and advocates.

In one article, The Pulse explores how psychedelic therapy is being integrated into mainstream healthcare, and the challenges that come with this process. Another article examines the legal and regulatory landscape of psychedelic research, discussing how policymakers are responding to this emerging field.

Technology Networks’ Editor-in-Chief, Molly Campbell, states, “The Pulse: Psychedelic News aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the field, from the science behind it to the current state of regulation and mainstream adoption. Our hope is that the information presented in this issue will help to dispel misconceptions and galvanize discussion around the potential benefits and risks of psychedelic research and therapy.”

The publication also includes feature articles on the history and cultural significance of psychedelic drugs, as well as personal accounts from individuals who have undergone psychedelic therapy.

Overall, The Pulse: Psychedelic News provides a thought-provoking and informative perspective on the rapidly-evolving field of psychedelic research and therapy. It is a must-read for anyone interested in the potential of psychedelics to transform the mental health field.

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