Lucknow: Samajwadi Party alleges government’s misuse of technology against farmers

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Tech News Summary:

  • Akhilesh Yadav accuses BJP-led NDA government of misusing technology against protesting farmers and also misusing electoral bonds.
  • He expresses concern over the use of drones to suppress farmers’ protests and demands a law supporting Minimum Support Price (MSP) for farmers.
  • Yadav criticizes BJP’s handling of electoral bonds, alleges corruption, and calls for exposing the party’s conspiracies against farmers and workers.

The Samajwadi Party has leveled serious allegations against the government of misusing technology against farmers in Lucknow. The party has accused the government of using technological tools to suppress and intimidate the protesting farmers in the state.

Speaking at a press conference, a senior member of the Samajwadi Party stated that the government has been using surveillance technology to track and monitor the movements of farmers who are agitating against the new agricultural laws. The party has alleged that the government is using advanced facial recognition and drone technology to identify and target the farmers who are participating in the protests.

The party further claimed that the government’s actions are a clear violation of the farmers’ right to protest peacefully and are aimed at suppressing their voices. They have demanded an immediate stop to the misuse of technology against the farmers and called for a fair and transparent resolution to the ongoing issues.

The accusations come in the midst of widespread protests by farmers across the country against the new agricultural laws introduced by the government. The Samajwadi Party’s allegations have added fuel to the already contentious debate surrounding the treatment of farmers and the government’s stance on the protests.

The government has yet to respond to the accusations made by the Samajwadi Party, but the issue is likely to escalate as the protests continue. The farmers are determined to make their voices heard, and the allegations of technological misuse by the government have only added to the tensions in the region. The situation remains highly charged, and the government will need to address these serious allegations in order to ease the growing unrest among the farming community in Lucknow and beyond.

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