At a time when modern, “computerized” cars increasingly read driver data, Big Tech’s presence in the industry is alarming, given its abysmal record on privacy rights. And at a time when Big Tech’s data collection practices are a treasure trove for states seeking to punish abortion patients, the tech giants’ expansion into the automotive sector will only increase the dangers to individual rights.
But even if the giants have moved from Hollywood to healthcare, there’s still one big piece of the puzzle up for grabs: the automotive industry. Unfortunately, it’s clear that Big Tech sees the automotive industry, particularly the autonomous vehicle (AV) market, as another golden opportunity for consumer data collection.
The federal government can and should prevent tech giants from using drivers’ personal data to further expand their monopoly. Inaction could further erode privacy rights in a country where access to reproductive health care and other freedoms are actively denied.
Big tech companies are already making their mark in this space, from automotive software to key digital agreements with existing car companies. But anyone familiar with the headlines about Apple Car’s Waymo project or Google’s autonomous vehicle project knows that the tech giants’ automotive ambitions go far beyond dashboard functions.